It’s 2014, let’s ditch the stereotypes. Just like many men, women (and, yes, maybe even your mom) are technologically savvy, strong or outdoorsy. If your mom or the lady in your life is like most women, there’s room for sport, music and high-tech toys. Keep her happy with a gift she really wants.
1. Sporting Equipment
Does she love to run? Hike? Is there a sport that’s become a treasured hobby? Or a sport in which she once excelled in that has fallen by the wayside? Whether she’s a budding jogger or a lifelong lover of soccer, consider giving her the tools or time to enjoy the sport(s) she loves. Just be careful with that gym membership. While some women will love the gesture, others might wonder whether you’re sending them a message about physical appearance. Make sure you know her well, and, if you’re uncertain, go for the backpack or Camelbak rather than the pedometer or aerobics class.
Photo by Atomic Taco via Flickr
2. High-Tech Gadgets
Ten years ago, targeting technology to women meant slathering any old laptop or cell phone in pink and rhinestones. Despite the perception, it’s not what every woman wants. A woman doesn’t have to put up with Pepto-tastic hues to get the tech features that suit her. Marketers are realizing that women represent substantial tech-buying power, controlling more than 80 percent of household spending, according to the Wall Street Journal.
In response, businesses are tuning in to what women really want. Women look for gadgets that are durable, straightforward to use and generally well-designed, reports the New York Times. Go for something out-of-the-ordinary that combines functionality and style, like the Scanner Mini for iPad/iPhone or the Logitech UE Mini Boom wireless speaker.
Photo of the Logitech UE Mini Boom by Norio.NAKAYAMA via Flickr
3. Experiences and Events
Take her out to the ballgame! Not a baseball fan? Giving her tickets to an event she’ll love shows just how well you know her. Sporting events, live theater, a trip to the nearest water park or a day at the closest national park is a gift that can make her holiday and will give her memories that last for years to come. Tickets and outings are a quality alternative to the spa package you’ve given her five times. She might love the spa but variety is the spice of life!
Photo by thetalesend via Flickr
4. Toys
Even grown-ups like to play sometimes. Turn her iPad into an air hockey table or make her laugh with a no-fail paper airplane kit. Gifts like these can help her blow off some steam or share a laugh with the kids, while showing her just how much you love her sense of humor.
The key to picking a gift that she’ll love is to know who she is. Don’t worry about spending the most money or making sure the version you buy is the latest and most up to date. Just consider her personality and her loves and find something she enjoys. Even better if it’s something you like to do together.
Need more out-of-the-box ideas for the one-in-a-million woman in your life? If you like the idea of a tablet or techie gift for the lady you love, click here for more tech toys that are spot-on for moms—and dads.
Photo by Tom Raftery via Flickr