Originally, consumers had to apply to buy Google Glass as part of the product’s beta testing phase. Ordering only happened through a Google office and people had to pick up the headsets in person, EnGadget reports. But a recent expansion has enabled Google Glass owners to invite up to three friends to make the required $1,500 purchase. But Google Glass is so fresh to the market—and $1,500 is such a large chunk of change—it’s smart to know exactly how it can help your interior design efforts before you make the purchase.
What is Google Glass?
Google Glass is a somewhat funny-looking apparatus you wear much like a pair of regular eyeglasses. It consists of a microchip processor, 16 gigabytes of storage and bluetooth, ABC News reports.
The front of the device includes a small screen and a five megapixel camera. The right arm of the Glass includes a track pad that enables users to sift through a visually enhanced screen. These further include a calendar, appointments and Google Maps.
You navigate these menus using voice commands. Control the device by saying things like, “take a picture” and “record.” Users can share what they are recording or taking a picture of immediately or at a later time. The device also translates languages, answers questions and uses apps. These are all applicable to displaying an interior design setup through the mobile platform.
Google Glass: Connectivity in Design
Lead Google Glass designer Isabelle Olsson told InteriorDesign.net that Glass can be used as a professional tool for real-time visual communication among architects, investors and interior designers. For example, users can display a room space across the globe to another individual who can offer interior decorating advice.
Daily Mail UK has documented a live stream by a surgeon in Ohio through Google Glass. The same logic can be applied to interior design. Individuals can walk through the room while chatting about the space in real-time. Professional designers can coach other designers and clients from across the globe.
The Uses of ColorSnap Glass
Sherwin-Williams groundbreaking innovation, the ColorSnap Glass, is an app for Google Glass. The app enables users to take a photo, and then the photo is sorted for the colors within. If you want to capture the near-exact color schemes of a beautiful set of flowers, simply photograph the display and see it transformed into a set of color options for your home. This is all visualized in a promotional commercial for ColorSnap. The video clip is below:
You can create a wonderful living room setup, employing a mix of colors that naturally match with draperies, furniture and pieces of art.
The Future of Glass in Enhancing Design
Glass’ augmented reality is perfect for interior design. Glass users can witness exact measurements of buildings and details about the structure and its history. This information can be then accumulated for an immediate interior construct.
Forbes reports that about 10,000 people have had early exposure to Glass, enabling them to design apps and leave feedback on further developments of the device—so the uses of Glass in interior design should only grow.
Image by Flickr user tedeytan